In the tapestry of Polish culinary traditions, the Easter Babka Wielkanocna stands out as a symbol of spring, renewal, and...
In a recent appearance on the televised program "Graffiti," Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz delved into pressing issues facing Poland...
In a shocking revelation, around 80 valuable 19th-century volumes have disappeared from the collections of the University of Warsaw Library...
A shooting incident unfolded in the vicinity of the School and Preschool Complex No. 6 in Wałbrzych. A tragedy was...
Poland's Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, is facing criticism. Following his enforced legal changes regarding the issuance of electronic prescriptions...
According to the most recent poll conducted by IBRiS for "Rzeczpospolita," PiS (Law and Justice) holds the top position, followed...
Polish President signed into law the act of parliament establishing a public commission to investigate Russian influence over Polish politics....
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, referring to the explosion of the missile in Przewodów, said that if necessary, Polish investigators...
From a global and historical standpoint, it appears that Poland's golden age ended in the 16th century, under the affluent...
We showed maximum goodwill, but our concessions achieved nothing. There was an agreement - kept by us, but broken by...
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